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Make a profit and manage your energy portfolio with a Powerland BESS!

Your buffer for renewable energy and smart energy trading

With the Powerland BESS you can save on your energy bill in various ways and you are assured of a realistic ROI in the short term.

On the one hand, you store your own generated energy (from solar panels, wind turbines, etc.), making you less dependent on the electricity grid. This means you always have a reliable backup of energy.

On the other hand, and even more importantly, the system, in combination with a dynamic energy contract, offers the possibility to purchase energy when prices are favorable and to sell it when demand is high. This way you not only optimize your energy consumption, but you also reduce your peak consumption and respond to the capacity rate

Auto consumption & capacity tariff

Auto consumption: Storing locally generated or cost-effectively purchased energy in your battery for later use increases self-consumption of renewable energy and reduces dependence on the electricity grid, leading to lower energy costs and more efficient energy use.

Peak Shaving is about flattening power peaks by using the capacity of the battery. During periods of high demand, the battery reduces the maximum power drawn from the grid, resulting in lower energy costs.

Continuity in case of grid failure

During interruptions in the regular electricity grid, your BESS can continue to supply power, which is crucial for essential processes.

This provides reliability without being completely dependent on the grid, similar to the function of a power generator in hospitals.

Day Ahead Market Arbitrage

Day Ahead Market Arbitrage offers great opportunities by monitoring and responding to energy prices. Your BESS charges during cheap time slots and discharges during more expensive time slots.

The Balance Responsible Parties (or BRPs) daily predict energy consumption and production for the coming day on a 15-minute basis (zie EpexSpot Day Ahead). This is done using weather forecasts and data models.

BESS users can therefore benefit from fluctuating energy prices by supplying or purchasing energy from the grid at the most economical times.

Imbalance Market Arbitrage

Imbalance Market Arbitrage exploits volatility in the imbalance market to fill deficits and withdraw surpluses. This is done through trading with energy suppliers, where batteries respond flexibly to ad-hoc situations to keep the grid in balance.

BRPs, such as BEE, Yuso, Scholt, Centrica,… play a crucial role in this process by making daily forecasts and taking real-time actions. The day before, BRPs must indicate their expected injections and offtakes, as well as their commercial trading on the electricity market, such as purchases, sales and exchanges with other BRPs.

On the day itself, the BRP maintains the balance within the forecasts by trading on the imbalance market, whereby any shortages are supplemented by purchasing energy from, for example, a BESS, or by importing energy. BRPs also manage imbalances within their own portfolio. All this contributes to an efficient and stable electricity grid.

To maintain real-time equilibrium, BRPs must use all reasonable resources and exchange energy with other BRPs on a day-ahead or intraday basis. However, if a BRP shows an imbalance, ex-post measurement data is used to calculate imbalance rates. This encourages BRPs to keep their portfolio in balance. Through these strategies, battery solutions can create additional value in the imbalance market while providing stability to the electricity grid. In the event of fluctuations in supply and demand, the grid frequency must remain at 50Hz, which is guaranteed by cooperation between grid operator (Elia) and BSPs (Balance Service Providers).

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Grid services or grid balancing

Grid services, or grid balancing, include various mechanisms such as FCR (frequency containment reserves) and aFRR (automatic frequency restoration reserves) to maintain the stability of the electricity grid.

BSPs offer reserves, such as R1, R2 and R3, which intervene automatically or manually to stabilize the frequency and resolve imbalances. R1 occurs automatically within a few seconds of deviation from the reference frequency, while R2 and R3 are activated by Elia to restore the frequency and release reserves. This system is crucial to prevent system instability and ensure a reliable electricity grid.

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Curious about the ROI of a BESS for your company?